
The most distinctive aspect of a Giggleswick education is its focus on personal development and participation. The school is exceptionally good at discovering and developing an individual’s strengths, and, with a breadth of educational opportunities, nurturing the whole person. 

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Giggleswick School production of The Lion the witch and the wardrobe

The CASE programme

The CASE programme is our focus for co-curricular provision at Giggleswick. It is shaped around a balanced programme of creative, active, service and enrichment components. 

What makes Giggleswick unique is that these activities are timetabled into the school day that allows pupils to undertake all three strands, which not only develops a variety of strengths, but contributes to a pupil’s wellbeing too. 


Appreciation of the arts through exposure to music, drama, and other experiences that involve creative thinking and application.


Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle, the experience of being part of a team or recreational activity.


Contribution to the wider community and support of the environment.


Includes clubs and societies in school that stretch our pupils by providing them with opportunities that challenge, inspire, and stimulate them.

“I’d best describe Gigg as a diving board, taking you head-first into experiences you never thought about trying. No matter what you want to do, Giggleswick will try to provide for all. This is what I am grateful for, that in a relatively short amount of time here, I’ve managed to experience and achieve so much, whilst still feeling I’ve only just scratched the surface of what Gigg has to offer.”

Duncan, Leaver (2022)