Assessment & reporting
At the Prep School we regularly track and monitor pupil progress through a variety of methods. Each pupil has an academic profile and targets are set in all subjects against age-related expectations.
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From Reception pupils are assessed by staff using our online formative (ongoing) assessment tool, 'Classroom Monitor'. This allows us to make judgements on attainment related to national objectives in many subjects using national curriculum objectives. Our assessments are based on observations and written/oral/practical evidence demonstrated during lessons. As well as this, other informal assessment opportunities include hearing reading both individually, or in guided reading sessions and regular spelling tests.
In the autumn term, GL online assessments are undertaken for all pupils and then at the end of the academic year to track progress. Additional assessments are undertaken each term to enable further tracking and provide intervention or stretch if required.
End of year written tests are undertaken for pupils at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 which enable the school to compare our pupil’s results alongside national data. The school does not take part in SATs, and all pupils moving into our Senior School are not expected to undertake additional assessments as information is shared by our Deputy Head (Learning) as part of our transition process.
Through our half-termly reports and meetings held in the autumn and spring terms, pupil progress is shared and discussed. Pupils are also given end of year and current working grades based on national age-related expectations.
At the Prep School, each parent receives their unique log in to our Parent Portal. This allows access to a range of information, including our regular reports. At each half term a Pupil Progress Report (PPR) is created. Subject staff report on their respect, ambition, participation and progress in lessons using a numbered score.
At the end of the autumn and summer term, parents will receive a full PPR which includes comments from all subject staff, form tutors and pupils, as well as current attainment grades and end of year targets based on age-related expectations.
The school encourages an open-door policy and is happy to meet with parents at any time to discuss their child’s progress. We also hold a Parent-Tutor meeting in the first half-term of the academic year to inform you of how your child has settled into their new class/school, and we hold a large Parent-Teacher consultation in the Spring term where parents have the opportunity to meet with all subject staff face to face.