Key Stage 2

Giggleswick’s broad curriculum takes full advantage of the range of expertise of our staff and the structure of the school day. Many subjects are taught by specialists to allow pupils to benefit from their extensive subject knowledge. Curriculum overviews are produced at the start of each term to inform parents of subject content in advance and support home learning.

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giggleswick junior school pupil using machinery

Core curriculum

From Year 3, pupils benefit from additional subject specialisms, including the delivery of lessons from Senior School staff, such as in Languages, Art and Design. The extended day, finishing at 5pm, enables a broad curriculum to be enjoyed, fostering a range of skills and developing knowledge in a wide range of areas.

From Year 5, Maths and English are taught by specialist staff to further develop pupils' skills and knowledge, and help prepare them for the transition to our Senior School.

Each half-term a core book (following the CLPE scheme) provides the basis of the curriculum, from which foundation subjects are also planned. The school follows the Read, Write, Inc. Spelling programme and lessons are delivered across the week. Developing Literacy and Numeracy skills are given prime importance, with 5 hours dedicated to each per week, with additional time given in key skills slots across the week to embed knowledge.

The school follows White Rose Maths as its main Numeracy scheme, supplemented by Abacus. The White Rose Maths curriculum is designed to provide pupils with a solid foundation in mathematics. Pupils gain a deeper understanding of mathematics and enjoy solving mathematical problems. The scheme also enables pupils to be really stretched in their abilities and supports all pupils to develop their mathematical thinking with increased confidence.

Foundation curriculum