Learning support & enrichment
The Prep School’s Learning Support Teacher, under the direction of our Whole School SENCo and Deputy Head (Learning), provides support and management of the learning of pupils with additional needs. The school also has three dedicated Teaching Assistants that work across the school to support pupils in class and provide interventions.
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We see specific learning issues as a different way of learning, not simply a set of difficulties. At the same time as helping pupils to improve in their weaker areas, we emphasize their strengths and celebrate their successes too – whether academic, sporting, Art and Design or in Drama and Music. We help pupils to develop successful strategies which work for them.
The school follows the guidelines and recommendations as specified in the updated SEN Code of Practice. We support pupils to suit their individual needs. We believe that high quality teaching in class is the most effective way of supporting all children in their learning where work is differentiated to meet the needs and capabilities of learners. Additional needs are quickly identified and addressed. Where identified extra support is provided either in class, in small groups or individually. A range of interventions to support different pupils’ needs are used.
Our curriculum timetable is carefully designed to ensure dedicated further enrichment opportunities for our pupils. We identify pupils with a variety of gifts and talents, and work with them in small groups to provide further challenge.
The School is a member of NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education), and uses their guidance to support in the planning and teaching across all subject areas.
The school is part of the SAPERE community (Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education) and pupils take part in sessions of Philosophy for Children (P4C) from Pre-school to Year 6 to develop learners who are critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinkers.
Talented musicians are expected to participate in our Orchestra and Ensemble groups which form part of our activities programme. There are also expectations to participate in festivals and musical events across the year, such as the Young Musician of the Year competition. All pupils sing in our choir.
Our activities programme, which runs from 4pm-5pm, provides additional enrichment that can be accessed by all pupils, although some are based on talents/abilities. These include an Academic and Scholarship group, Entrepreneurship group, various Sporting groups (including Swimming – which forms our Swimming team), Outdoor Adventure, Art, Design and Cooking. There is the opportunity to take part in Dance with our specialist trained teacher, and also Tennis which is delivered by coaches from Skipton Tennis Club.