Our Governors

Giggleswick School is a Charitable Company limited by Guarantee and registered in England at Giggleswick, North Yorkshire BD24 0DE. Our company registration number is 5447105 and registered charity number is 1109826.

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The Governors of Giggleswick School are also trustees and directors of the charitable company. The Governors determine the strategy and policies of the School and do not receive any remuneration for the work they carry out on behalf of the School.

Governors serve for an initial term of five years and are thereafter eligible for re-election. There are a minimum of fourteen and a maximum of twenty-one Governors, including representative governors appointed on behalf of The Queen's College Oxford, St John's College Cambridge and Christ's College Cambridge.

Contact the Governors

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors he can be contacted at chairofgovernors@giggleswick.org.uk.  You can write to any of the Governors through the Clerk to the Governors & Bursar, Khashi Sharifi, at the following address: The Bursary, Giggleswick School, North Yorkshire BD24 0DE.

Chairman of Governors

Vice-Chairman of Governors

Other Governors